Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Alright, tis the season and everything. Exam time is almost over, for some it is already over, and for some, it hasn't even arrived yet. But in any case, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a joyous and prosperous new year! Enjoy.

Monday, December 04, 2006

I'm Back and I'm Pumped

Holy shit! it's exam time, but it doesn't suck, you know why? because i'm studying for one, and two, our beloved Canadiens aren't sucking. On saturday they were almost destroyed by the Maple Leafs, but chalk one up for the good guys because it seems like the defense decided to bring it to them after the 2 first goals. First Bouillon owned Tucker, then Koivu scores two goals, and finally Souray schooled Raycroft. Of course we have to credit Huet for being a spectacular keeper, but that's a given. So here are the owning of Tucker and Raycroft being taken to school.

Friday, December 01, 2006

More Family Guy

Alright, so it's been awhile. I know, but school has been brutal, and facebook is evil. I use facebook a lot now for some odd reason, but it's all good. In any event, I really don't have anything to say, school's hectic, and stuff has been happening, parties and so on. Whether it be here or the other one, i haven't posted in a while, so to make it up, i've posted a very great Family Guy clip. Hope you enjoy.