Monday, January 23, 2006

It's a sad day for Canada

Well, elections are today and the polls are closed or closing around the country and unfortunately this spells doom for our once wonderful country. We have 5 choices, one's a party of corruption, one's a party that wants nothing to do with Canada, one's a party that is going to ruin this country with it's communist views, one's run by the canadian Dubya, and the last one's hasn't had the chance to screw anything up. So in case you're wondering, i voted for the last one, but alas, the conservatives led by Steven Harper, aka George W. Bush a la canadian, is most likely going to win. We will no longer be the actual land of the free where gays can get hitched, where we were actually going against the americans where it counted, where we could actually say we weren't the US's bitch. For those who didn't know, Dubya actually gave harper his blessing, he said that he is his ideal foreign leader, now i don't know why any other party didn't use that against the conservatives because i'm sure they'd have had a hell of a lot less votes if they had. Now all you folks remember, you can't spell conservatives without con, and this is one chapter in canadian history that i'd like to forget, even though it hasn't even started yet.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The greatest things on the net

Usually i only post once a week and that's usually on a sunday, but this is a special occasion because i just found out the greatest videos on the net. These things are the bombdizzle fo shizzle my nizzle. And why the hell does everything end in izzle? who the hell is izzle? why do people talk like that? do people actually talk like that? if there are people who talk like that, why haven't they been shot yet? I guess these are the unanswered questions, the mysteries of the universe, forget stonehenge. oh yeah, the vids. This and That.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Happy Trogday

Well it's come to my attention that last friday, january 13th, was the birthday of Trogdor the burninator, well the third anniversary of the day Strongbad created Trogdor. Trogdor was a man, he was a dragon man, for those who don't know, you can witness his creation here, and then you can check out his anniversary email here, and then you can play the greatest game ever made right here. Trogdor is probably one of the most popular internet characters right now, and all those who don't know who he is better find out or be burninated. TROGDOR!!!!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

We've all been Shocked

Well, today, actually yesterday, but since yesterday was the recovery day, today was the last day of eng games, and that marks the end of a fun and beer filled five days. Boy was it worth missing school for. Concordia might've come in 8th place out of 10, but i can tell you one thing, i doubt any other school drank as much or partied as hard as us.Polytechnique might've gotten the best participation, but that's only because a lot of the students from Concordia were passed out during competetion and only woke up for the parties. That deserves a chant. C-O-R-C-O-R-D-I-A, Concordia! or if you'd rather C-O-R-C-O-R-C-O-R, Dislexia! Go Team! I honestly wish i had brought the camera with me, but unfortunately, i didn't and therefore i didn't get any of the "penis shots". The entire week was just one giant beer fest, some people didn't go to sleep the entire time, only took naps here and there, and some people didn't even stop drinking, well they did, but only when they passed out, and then as soon as they woke up again, they started drinking again. And some of these people really shouldn't get drunk again any time soon. Well that's about all i really have to say, nothing else really happened, well that not true, but i'd rather not type it now. Just if ever you want to hear anything about it, all you have to do is ask. I'll eventually have pictures of the event, but that'll have to wait. For now just picture a whole bunch of people, engineering students, too drunk to walk.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Year 2006

Well, it's 2006, and there are still no flying cars to report, well none that are readily available for under 3.5 million $US. This year really doesn't feel that much different from the last, i guess it's like when you turn a year older on your birthday, you really don't feel that much different. I'd say that this year is shaping up to be a pale reflection of 2005, but it just started, and that would be a really bad thing, for a lot of people, if that were true. I just hope that 2006 will be much better than '05, cause last year didn't get good until July. I've decided that resolutions are for chumps, the only point in making them is to see how long they last, mine didn't even last a couple of hours, before i fell asleep i had already broken one of them. A better way is to just set goals for yourself, that way if you don't achieve it, then you can say it was a wasted year, don't resolve anything, cause that ain't gonna happen. All that's left to say now is Happy '06, and hopefully it's a good year.

Music of the post: Hundred Reasons - Ideas Above our Station