Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Is Trivium the new Metallica?

Well are they? This new CD from Trivium is really good. Although this new album doesn't sound like the previous one, Ascendancy, it's still really good, and I'll tell you why. This is thrash, this is what Metallica used to sound like, back in their heyday. This album is one of the best of the year simply because it's about time someone pick up Metallica's crown since they decided to flush it down the toilet in favour of mainstream garbage. If you're looking for a distinctly Trivium sound, don't bother with this album, go out and get Ascendancy, which is actually a better CD, but if you're in the market for some good old fashioned thrash a la Metallica, this is the CD for you. And join me in saying that it's about time Metallica can finally pass the torch.


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