Friday, October 13, 2006

The end of manners?

Has anyone noticed that there is a total lack of courtesy in the world today? Well at least in Montreal. I mean, I don't actually mean to rant, but it's pissing me off. People enjoy sucking face on public streets, they cut in line with no regard for anyone else, old people grumble if you don't get up from your seat on the bus, people take the entire escalator and just park themselves there. ARGH! I mean come on, does it really hinder anything in your life to just stand at the right of the escalator and let other people walk up? And the general public really don't want to see a couple having a make-out session on the side of the road. Keep it in your pants for chrissake. I sound like a ranting old man here, but what does it take for people to have some kind of common courtesy. Just don't get me started on common sense. Natural selection really should work a little faster.


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